National Smile week is 11th-17th August. This is certainly a cheerful occasion and seeing as it takes one more muscle to frown that it does to smile- it is not too hard to make your week a happy one! Tell jokes at work, home or with friends, attend a comedy show or just watch funny videos online and I’m sure your smile will last beyond the week. Laughter relaxes you and boosts your immune system, helps you to cope with situations and even manages pain! Beast Shed’s have come up…
At we know how hard it is to find that extra storage space, but as the high season is coming up we thought we would give away this fantastic prize of a 5×4 standard shed worth a whopping £499. We will also deliver and fit this shed completely free of charge. This wooden shed is from our standard range and is our Pent B Model. Along with the standard door in the end D section, it also comes with an extra door in the tallest (back) section, one Perspex…
Published on December 13, 2013 by The Beast
UK-based bespoke garden sheds and summer house specialists team up with volunteer-based charity to keep valuable service to help the needy on track. Beast Sheds (, a family-run company established over 15 years ago and committed to manufacturing high-quality tantalised and standard wooden sheds in the United Kingdom, recently announced it will be utilizing a patch of ground at the back of The Withywood Community Centre for a 24-foot by 10-foot shed. The purpose is to store food donated by individuals, groups and local shops that give to the centre…
Absolute Radio are currently running a competition to win a shed, and £15,000 to kit it out. They say you can design your very own “Dream Shed” and they’ll come round and build it. Not being big headed but it isn’t far from what we’ve been offering for years now! We might not be able to stretch to giving each customer £15,000 but we probably save you somewhere close to that over the years you own your shed!
BBC News is reporting that a shed made out of an old boat, in the Welsh countryside, has made it to the final of the Shed of the Year contest.
Voting begins on the Shed of the Year 2013 Over at the official “Shed of the Year 2013 (sponsored by Cuprinol)” page, the team have recently stopped taking entries for this year’s contest, perhaps some of our happy customers are amongst the thousands of sheds entered in the running for the title of Shed of the Year?
For the past 6 months, somewhere, hidden behind closed doors, in a dark, slightly musty smelling room, website developers have been hunched over computers tapping away furiously without sleep to bring into light the all new Beast Sheds store!
Robbers forced to leave empty handed after failing to break into a Beast Sheds Security Shed! A customer who’d bought one of our Tanalised Security sheds woke up to mixed emotions last week. One wood panel on his security shed door had been partly broken off due to a robbery attempt.